Whether you’re new to running or have been running marathons for decades, some terms are essential in the running community so that people understand one another easily. There are sub cultures to running for example that make important distinctions between different types of runners, either based on the kind of running they do or the goals they have while running. Below are 9 terms every runner should know.

1. Pace

Pace usually refers to the amount of time it takes a runner to clock one mile. For marathon runners this is extremely important and for all runners it’s a way to keep an eye on how their running is progressing over time.

2. Warm-Up

Warm-ups heat up the body and increase heart rate loosening the muscles and lessening the likelihood of injury. Any serious runner will tell you that this is an essential part of running that many newbie’s leave out until they realize its importance.

3. Cool-Down

Cool downs help the body to transition back into a resting state and are essential if you want to avoid injury. Usually a runner will slow pace progressively into a brisk walk, eventually slowing to a normal pace and then stretching.

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4. Foot Strike

Foot strike refers to the way the foot hits the ground while running and believe it or not there is both a right and a wrong way to do it. To avoid injury and run most efficiently runners should be trying to strike with the mid foot and not the toes.

Running words meanings

5. Trail Running

Trail running unlike street running takes place usually in wooded areas where trails are not even. This forces the body to use more muscle groups to stabilize and often results in a much harder run that has an effect similar to resistance training.

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6. Barefoot Running

Barefoot running is a fairly new concept where runners attempt to run like our caveman ancestors without shoes (or with vibrams). This is said to reduce injury and improve performance.

7. Ultra-marathoner

Any runner who takes on a distance greater than 26.2 miles. These people are more or less running superheroes who have incredible endurance.

8. Cross Training

When runners choose to participate in other physical activities that improve overall health and endurance. Yoga for example is a great cross training activity for runners that helps to loosen and relax muscles and improve flexibility.

9. Rest Day

Also known as the day every runner tries to avoid, or ignore, or completely skip, rest days are essential for muscle health and regeneration.