I don’t care what anyone says, if you could have the choice between wearing glasses and not wearing them, you would probably choose the latter, even if you look fabulous in them. They’re clunky, annoying, and you have to arrange your whole style around them. Lasik, on the other hand, might be too drastic for some people and some might be afraid of complications.
The happy medium is going for contacts. But they’re not perfect and will need some adjusting to. There are some realities to wearing them that you have to be aware of as well. Here are a few things you should know before you make the transition from glasses to contact lenses.
Contact Lenses Can be Just as Annoying
If you think contact lenses are just a ‘set-it-and-forget-it’ thing, you’re sorely mistaken. Contacts can get itchy and you might have to remove them from time to time if they become uncomfortable. With glasses, you can pop them on whenever you need them. Some may want to wear them when it’s dark out only. You can’t do that as easily with contacts.
Look at Your Lifestyle
When choosing glasses or contacts, you have to consider your lifestyle. There are some cases when glasses would be better than contacts. For instance, if you spend a lot of time in front of the computer and you wear contacts, you might notice that your eyes will get dry. That’s because people tend to blink less when watching a screen.
If you have a busy lifestyle, having to clean and store your lenses every day might feel like a hassle. In this case, one-day disposable lenses might be a good choice. If you’re very active, on the other hand, then contacts are typically a better choice. Not only do they stay put, but you won’t lose your peripheral vision like with most glasses.
You May not have to Switch
Who says it absolutely has to one or the other when it comes to glasses and contacts? The best solution could very well be to wear both. As a matter of fact, a lot of people still decide to keep their glasses when they wear contacts and it’s a great decision.
You may not know when you will lose or damage your contacts and having a backup pair could be a lifesaver. There may also be situations where wearing contacts could not only be uncomfortable or downright painful, but impossible. We’re thinking of very dry/hot environments here. The same can be said about glasses, however. They can easily fog up in certain weather and be pretty much unusable in certain conditions. This is why contact lenses and glasses work better as a team.
These are all things you’ll need to take into consideration if you are thinking of making the switch to contact lenses. Make sure that you know the pros and cons of each option, and know that you don’t necessarily have to ban one of them.