We all know how important it is to factor working out into our daily plans – even though we still find excuses to avoid it. Although many of these excuses are very real things – too much work, hectic schedule, school demands, etc – somewhere in the back of your mind, you still know there should be no excuse.
Acknowledging the importance of working out is the first hurdle. After that, it gets a lot easier. Next, you need to find ways to motivate yourself either by shopping for a new workout wardrobe, buying a gym membership, or getting a guest pass to your local YMCA. Let’s take a look at a few other ways to give yourself a better chance to succeed in your endeavor to work out and get in shape.
1. Shop for Workout Clothes
Everyone loves shopping, right? So if you plan to start jogging or walking in the morning, there’s nothing to solidify that plan quite like making sure you’re dressed for the part.
When you’re wearing a trendy sports bra and leggings, you’re more eager to show it off. If you’re a high school student getting ready to join the cheerleading squad, you can order a cheerleading jacket in your school colors. Remember – indulging in this much shopping is for a good cause. Working out will change your life for the better.
2. Get a Gym Membership
Nor a lot of things can motivate you quite like spending money can. Paying monthly dues for a gym membership will remind you to get your butt in gear every time you see the charge on your bill.
Additionally, us humans are social creatures, so chances are that you’ll meet a workout partner there and strike up a relationship of mutual encouragement. Getting that text message “we still on for leg day after work?” will get you inside the gym more days than not. Or, at the very least, the very next day if you take a raincheck.
3. Look Into Group Fitness Activities
This is different from having a workout partner. By signing up for a cycling or yoga class at your local gym or a studio boutique, you are solidifying a commitment that is unlikely to be broken. After all, your single workout partner can always call it off due to some personal things. But a professional studio is unlikely to do so.
Besides, the atmosphere can be even more encouraging – the instructor is highly motivated to ensure that you return. Think of it as “finding your fitness tribe”, so to speak. You’ll grow to love the environment, itself, as much as the actual workout you’re doing there.
4. Create a Workout Room in Your Home
Okay, this doesn’t have to be an entire room – a workout space will also suffice. The only requirement is that you make the room/space immediately identifiable as such, so that you remember you need to work out whenever you walk past it. Speaking from experience, if you don’t have such a space set up, it will become much easier to skip the day’s exercise.
5. Set Up Post Workout Rewards
This is different from shopping for clothes as a motivation tip to start; post workout rewards should be infrequent milestones that keep you going. Looking to lose 30 pounds? Well, set the goal, and reward yourself after you’ve dropped 15 of those pounds over the course of several months.
These rewards can be literally anything – but it will help if they’re significant. Perhaps you want to add several choice items to your wardrobe? Or you want to take a one-week vacation to the Great Lakes? All-in-all, the reward should definitely be something to look forward to.
I like the idea of creating a fitness group. That way one can find it easier to stick to the fitness goal.
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