For anyone receiving regular care, whether because of a long-term condition or as a result of an injury, exercise and rehab is likely to make up a big part of their care plan. For example, someone who has suffered an injury to the spinal cord will require a carefully thought-out rehabilitation plan, in coordination with the care they are receiving and how they are healing.
Without rehabilitation, the patient will struggle to return to the same level of strength and movement in the affected area. This also means that they will find it hard to return to any kind of independence, depending on the severity of the injury and its area. Rehabilitation can be a long and hard journey, but the results make it all worthwhile.
Small Manageable Goals
At the beginning of your rehabilitation, it will feel as though you have a mountain to climb and in many ways you do. This is your Everest and although you may not feel like it now, you will be able to navigate the long and winding road with the help and support of practitioners, friends and family.
Small manageable goals are the way forward, always giving yourself something that is within reach helping you to keep motivated as the days, weeks and (maybe) months pass by. For some, the first goal could be simply standing up, even with assistance, while for others it can be coming out of dressing.
It all adds up to the ultimate goal of achieving independence as you enjoyed it before. You take for granted the ability to be able to go out and about without the help and assistance of others or any aids. Even just being able to get up and out of bed with minimal discomfort is something that, after you have undergone rehabilitation following a serious injury and surgery, you will never take for granted again.
Don’t Overdo It
There will be times when you will be challenged to push beyond what you believe your body is capable of, but this will be under the supervision of a professional who knows what they are doing. Often, this can be a mental aspect where you can feel as though you are being tricked into believing you cannot do something when you can.
Away from the security net of the physio room, when you are exercising on your own, we cannot stress enough for you not to overdo it. If you feel your body hurting, then stop immediately to avoid further injury. Make a note of what you felt and report this to your doctor and/or physiotherapist.
You will be given a plan to follow which will take into consideration how your injury is expected to heal and where along the timeframe you are expected to be. Some people will naturally heal quicker than others, so there may be the need to revise your rehabilitation plan.
Advice for Older Patients
Older patients, that require extra care services, will receive extra care and attention to match their needs. Such patients may not have the same level of independence, possibly needing assisted living, to help them through the day with tasks such as washing, cleaning and shopping. Older patients must follow the advice and guidance of their care team.
It is important to understand that the body in advanced age does not heal as it did years before, so following the advice of your team is essential. Exercises will be tailored to your ability and what you will be able to perform at home.
Your care team may arrange for frequent appointments to keep updated on your progress and to discuss any potential changes to your arrangements that may be beneficial.
Reaping the Rewards
At the end of your rehabilitation, you will be reaping the rewards of your hard work by once again enjoying the same level of independence you had before. You may even find that your body feels better than it did before and, with you feeling fitter and stronger than ever before, you can once again challenge yourself by setting new and exciting goals.