
Today I spoke with Cydney Gillon. Besides being a full-time student the University of Pennsylvania, she also runs for the track team, enjoys time with her friends and is an IFBB Figure Pro. She has been competing for about 7 years which is amazing for someone at such a young age. She has the passion to compete because her parents are bodybuilders and it seems to just run in the family. She is getting ready for her pro debut and should be looking great come show time. You can learn more about this Ivy- League fitness pro in her interview:

Name: Cydney Gillon

Hometown: Atlanta, GA

Height: 5’3 ¾”

Birthday: 9/14/1992

Weight: 145

Occupation: Student/ Personal Trainer

Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I’m a junior at the University of Pennsylvania. I run for the Varsity Women’s track team as well. On the side I am a professional figure competitor. I have been competing for almost 7 years now.


What sparked your interest in training and how did you get started?

My parents are bodybuilders, so at the age of six I was attending bodybuilding shows and everything sparked from there. I knew I wanted to compete and so I did.
How would you describe your body before you started training?

Before I started training, I always played sports so I genetically had an athletic build. I also always had biceps and abs but I’m pretty sure that was just genetic.

What are your hobbies?

Track, parties, lifting, yoga/meditation

Please describe a typical day for you. What is your daily routine like?

I wake up eat, go to class, practice, go to lift, go to class, go to work, go back to the gym, and then home to so homework.
Let’s say I don’t have that much time during the day to workout, so I really want to burn major calories in a short amount of time. What is the #1 “bang for the buck” cardio exercise I should do to burn serious calories?

Sprints uphill or stadiums with jump squats in between; Its fast and efficient.

What is your current weekly workout routine?

I only workout twice a week for right now until its gets closer to show time. I can’t afford to be sore during my season so I try to do as much as I can without over doing it.
So how do you find time to balance training with school?

You just have to manage your time. I’m a pro at it now being as I started in high school, so I’ve had years to master my technique.

What is your favorite body part to train?

I LOVE shoulders, legs, glutes and abs.


Would you provide a sample workout routine

  • 5 sets of 3 stadiums (every step then skip a step)
  • In between sets- 10 squat jumps, 8 burpies, lunge 50 meters down and back, rest 3 min and repeat

Let’s say I’m trying to create a healthy shopping list to stick with. What are some of the main foods I should include to maintain a lean and muscular physique?

Talapia, chicken breasts, and spinach are my staples.

What does your daily diet consist of?

Depends,I’m still given a little leeway because I have to eat certain things for track.

How did you feel when you won your pro card?

There are no words for that moment really. Its simply pure joy!

What is your favorite workout song?

I have so many. They generally have huge beats though.

What would you say is your greatest weakness?

Having two conflicting sports. I try to balance both but at the end of the day, they both matter, and regardless of how many people feel I should just choose one, that will not happen. So basically, my biggest weakness would be my dedication to fulfilling all my commitments to the best of my ability.

What are the top 3 tips you recommend for staying motivated on a fitness plan and truly making a healthy lifestyle change?

  1. Work out for you
  2. Keep in mind your goals of what you want to look like
  3. Keep in mind that not everyone can stay on a diet, and if you have that much self control, you’ve already reached another level beyond your peers

Tell me one random fact about yourself?

I love dogs!

Short Term Goals?

Run fast, train hard, and get ready for my pro debut.

Where can people get into contact with you?

Facebook under “Cyd Gillon”

Anyone you would like to thank?

I would like to thank my mother for being at every single show and supporting me from the beginning for 7 years. I definitely want to thank my grandfather who buys all of my supplements simply because he believes in me. And I like to thank all my brothers in my bodybuilding family for the laughs on road trips and never-ending support!

It’s been our pleasure! Do you have a quote, or any closing words for your fans and the readers of our blog?

“Pain is weakness leaving the buddy” and “Go hard or go home”