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Note: In an effort to keep the message boards clean, we will occasionally move discussions from one forum to another. For example, we may move a discussion about politics from the forum “Spas / Providers in Your Area” to the forum “Non-Spa Related”. Therefore, if you do not find a discussion you have been participating in, please look under another forum in the message boards.
The content published on the Spa Hunters message boards is for entertainment purposes only. SpaHunters makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy or reliability of the information posted on the boards, and specifically disclaims any and all liability for any loss or damage arising from reliance on such information, whether due to inaccuracy, error, omission or any other cause.
What is SpaHunters.com
Like many spa go-ers in metropolitan areas, we often find it hard to know which spas are worthwhile and which are rip-offs. With the bombardment of ads from publications such as The Village Voice and New York Press, there are way too many choices with hardly any real information about these spas. That’s why we started Spa Hunters. With a comprehensive listing of spas, along with online reviews from other Spa Hunter members, we are building a community to share information so that you can find out which spa is right for you.
Therefore, whether you are a regular spa go-er or just a novice, you are encouraged to sign up to read reviews about your local spas. Or better yet, write your own reviews so that other may benefit from your experience. You can even suggest spas you may know of.
About SpaHunters
Spa Hunters was started by a small group of spa enthusiast who were tired of:
1. looking for spas in their respective neighborhoods and
2. getting mixed results when trying those spas
Hence, SpaHunters was created – a forum for the spa-going community to easily find local spas and share their experiences for the benefit of other members.
Here at SpaHunters.com, the best efforts are always made towards filling the site with the most comprehensive listing of spas and reviews possible. However, it is obviously impossible for any one party to write a review for every single spa. We, as a general spa-going community, could (and should) help each other in that respect by posting reviews of our own.
Our Listings
We always strive to be have the most accurate information possible presented on the site. However, we also believe in being objective and letting members express their opinions. Therefore, we avoid censoring member submitted reviews or comments except for special circumstances. Because of this, SpaHunters.com can not be responsibile or liable for any inaccuracies or claims that are presented on the site.