Why Should You Be Going Through The FBS Test?


The FBS test, i.e. the Fasting Blood Sugar test offers vital clues about how the body manages the blood sugar levels. It can be seen through the tests that the blood sugar would tend to peak about an hour after eating and declines since then. High levels of fasting blood sugar would indicate that the patient is suffering from diabetes or a resistance of insulin in the body. The abnormally low levels could be attributed to the medications of diabetes. It is important for people who are suffering from diabetes to know when to test and what to test for.

What Are The Levels Of Fasting Blood Sugar? 

FBS test, Fasting blood sugar test, Fasting blood sugar test preparation

The blood sugar levels would rise and the peak results would be after an hour of the meal. The amount by which the blood sugar rises and the precise timing of the peak values would most definitely depend on the diet. The larger meals would tend to offer high rises in the blood sugar levels. The carbohydrates with high sugars like sweetened snacks and bread would also cause more significant swings in the blood sugar values. The pancreas would release insulin as the blood sugar levels rise. The insulin would lower the levels of blood sugar and break them down so that the body could be using it for energy and store it for later use. People who are suffering from diabetes would be facing difficulties with insulin in one of the two ways:

  • People who are suffering from type 1 diabetes cannot produce enough insulin as the body would attack the cells producing insulin.
  • People who are suffering from type 2 diabetes would not respond well to insulin and later enough insulin might not be produced.

The result would be quite the same in both the cases – elevated levels of blood sugar and difficulty in the process of sugar intake. Thus the fasting blood sugar would be dependent on three factors – the contents and size of the last meal and the ability of the body to produce insulin or respond to it. The window between the meals can show how the body is managing sugar. Higher levels would suggest that the body has been unable to lower the levels of sugar in the blood. This would suggest that there should either be an inadequate production of insulin or a resistance to insulin in the body or even both at times. Diabetes medication can lower the blood sugar if the blood sugar level is too low.

The haemoglobin test can also accompany the FBS test, which would measure the level of haemoglobin in the blood.

What Is The Testing Procedure For Fasting Blood Sugar? 

Two tests are available for the fasting blood sugar – the traditional blood sugar test and the glycosylated haemoglobin test (HbA1c). The test would measure how the body would manage the blood sugar in a period of time. The HbA1c test measures the blood sugar levels of a person over a period of time. The levels do not fluctuate too much and would indicate the sugar levels of a person for several months. This would mean that people who are using diabetes medications would not need to go through the traditional daily monitoring.

In most cases, however, the doctor would ask to take the traditional diabetes test and check levels regularly. The doctors generally ask the patients to undergo the FBS test after waking up, before they have had the chance to eat or drink. The tests can be performed at times when the blood sugar levels have returned to normal. The right time to take the test would depend a lot on the goals of the treatment and certain other factors. The ra factor might also be conducted to check if an autoimmune disease has been triggered.

The FBS test is one of the best means to check the blood sugar levels of a diabetic person.
