Does Invisalign Work For Underbites?
Invisalign was once only considered suitable for treating minor dental problems caused by
improper eruption of teeth (see tooth eruption charts for more information). However, the
company behind Invisalign has improved its product over the years, enabling Invisalign to treat a much wider range of dental conditions, including most cases of overbite and underbite.
Underbite occurs when the lower teeth are in front of the top teeth, making the lower jaw more prominent. This can cause teeth to wear unevenly, give the patient a poor bite and cause a joint disorder. Depending upon the severity of the condition, underbites can often be treated with Invisalign.
A discussion with your orthodontist will establish whether you are a good candidate for Invisalign. Following a close examination, which includes taking x-rays and possibly molds of your teeth, your practitioner will be able to decide if Invisalign is the best way to proceed. If you’re considered a suitable candidate for Invisalign then your orthodontist will take a mold of your teeth from which clear plastic aligners will be made. These aligners are then fitted over your teeth to slowly push them back into the desired position. As the position of your teeth changes, it’s necessary to fit new aligners and this procedure takes place approximately every two weeks throughout the treatment period.
The treatment is a slow process during which time your teeth are pushed gently to a new position where your underbite problem will gradually resolve. The overall treatment normally takes between 12 to 18 months to correct, and during this time your orthodontist will be available to answer any of your questions and where necessary give assurance. Because the aligners are made of clear plastic they can be worn confidently, knowing that no-one will be aware of the fact you’re wearing braces. Cleaning and flossing of teeth does not present a problem as the aligners can be removed during this process.
It’s absolutely essential the aligners are left in place for at least 22 hours of every day so that they can do their work successfully. Correcting an underbite problem can make a tremendous difference to your appearance. It can also help to counteract painful jaw problems which often occur as a result of underbites. It’s therefore worth spending time looking for an orthodontist who is knowledgeable in Invisalign procedure, and taking his/her advice.
Does Invisalign Work For Overbites?
An overbite occurs when upper teeth extend past the lower teeth. This can often cause gum problems, wear on the lower teeth and painful jaw problems. Originally braces were the recommended treatment, but many adults, particularly those in professional careers, balk at the thought of wearing braces on their teeth. For these individuals, Invisalign is often the preferred option, but does Invisalign work for overbites?
Invisalign is used to correct many dental problems, but initially you should consult an orthodontist who will give you a full examination to determine whether or not Invisalign is a suitable treatment for your overbite. In many cases this procedure is successful, but it depends entirely upon the severity of the patient’s problem.
Often Invisalign is the ideal solution for overbites, and the procedure will normally follow a 12 to 18 months course. During this time a series of clear plastic retainers, also known as “clear aligners“, are made to cover your teeth and slowly move them back to the desired position. The first thing an orthodontist will do is take a mold of your teeth, and from this the retainers will be made. As your teeth move the retainers will have to be changed, and this is normally carried out every two weeks. After a few weeks it’s possible to see changes taking place, but of necessity it’s a slow process that will eventually alter your overall appearance.
As the retainers are made of clear plastic they are less likely to interfere with your lifestyle. In fact, it’s most unlikely anyone will be able to see you are wearing them. You can clean and floss your teeth in the normal way by removing the braces, but it’s important that they be replaced immediately. To get the very best results, Invisalign should be kept in your mouth for at least 22 hours every day. Your orthodontist will discuss the procedure with you so you are completely aware of how it works and how long it will take. A practitioner accomplished in Invisalign dentistry will help you through the process and be there to answer any questions you may have.
Invisalign can give you back your confidence, enhance your smile and increase your self esteem. When you look in the mirror you’ll be delighted with the end result and this can make a tremendous difference to how you feel about yourself. Invisalign has corrected overbites on many people, so it’s worth talking to a specialist to see if it can work for you.