One of the most common reasons why women, especially body-conscious ones, are not too keen on getting pregnant is because they’re going to lose their slim and sexy figure. After all, while there is medicine for diabetes, there is none for after-pregnancy weight gain.
There may be no instant way to get back your pre-baby body, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Through these tips and a lot of discipline, you can return to that desirable look you once had.
1. Diet = Weight Gain? Yes
This is going to sound nonsensical, but it’s true: don’t go on a diet right away after giving birth.
Because of your new role as a mother, you’ll easily get stressed, as your baby has a lot of needs that need to be answered. Then there’s the fact that you haven’t fully adjusted yet to being a mother. With all these things in your plate, it’s easy to feel stressed, making you eat more than what you usually do. And when you force yourself to eat less, your body become starved and tell you to more, taking you further away from the kind of body you want.
Instead of trying to eat less, eat healthy and naturally instead. And to stop yourself from starving and later on overeating to compensate, have healthy snacks – apple and carrot slices and wheat crackers should do the trick.2
2. Go “Super”
Another way to eat healthy and natural is to go for “super” foods. These are the kinds of food that are low in calories and fat and high in the nutrients you need.
A good example of this would be fish, as they are rich in DHA, an essential fatty acid that helps the brain of your newborn. The best sources of this would be salmon, sardines, and tuna.
Another good superfood would be milk and yogurt, as they provide calcium, a mineral that is necessary to keep your bones strong and your baby’s bones develop better. And of course, don’t forget lean meat, chicken, and beans, as they are low in fat but high in fiber, making you feel satisfied longer and gives you a lot of protein.
3. Breastfeed
There’s still a debate on whether breastfeeding can help lose post-pregnancy weight or not. Some studies suggest that breastfeeding alone can help mothers return to their pre-pregnancy weight, while others say that it doesn’t.
Either way, it shouldn’t matter; you should breastfeed not because you can lose weight from it, but because it provides your baby with the nutrients he or she needs, not to mention that it helps boost his or her immune system and provide other health benefits.
And of course, there’s something in it for you too, as breastfeeding lets you add 300 more calories on top of your regular diet – or even more if your baby loves to breastfeed or you’re nursing twins.3
4. Get Some Exercise
Diet is a great part of weight loss. However, it’s just a part, as there is another activity that is also a vital as dieting – exercise. It’s time-consuming and you may feel too lazy to do it, but it’s important that you do, as it gives so many benefits.
Aside from the burning of calories and weight loss, exercise keeps your bones and muscles strong. It also helps you ward off stress and depression and helps you get a more satisfying sleep, as exercise triggers the release of chemicals that make you feel and sleep better.
For your exercise regimen, you don’t have to hit the gym right away. Since you are a mother of a newborn, you can’t just yet. That’s okay though, because moderate exercises that get your heart pumping and muscles working should be enough. A good example of this would be taking your baby for a walk in a stroller for fifteen minutes. From that point on, as weeks pass and the baby becomes less and less dependent, start exercising longer and harder.
5. Catch Some Zzz’s
Getting enough hours of sleep can be a struggle if you have recently given birth. However, in one study, mothers who were only able to get five or less hours of sleep are less likely to shed off their extra pregnancy weight. This is because sleep deprivation releases cortisol, a hormone that signals that the body is stressed, causing it to eat more and choose unhealthy foods.
While it is hard to get enough sleep during the first few months, it’s definitely not impossible. Try to get some sleep while your baby is asleep, nap a little in the morning, and go to bed early – those things should do the trick.
Pregnant or not, male or female, it’s never an easy to lose weight. But when you see the results and feel the benefits, it’s going to be worth it.