plastic surgery

Many people struggle to feel comfortable in their own skin. Being happy with how they look, who they are, and what they have (or don’t have) is always a work in progress. But what if something really bothers you? What if there’s something that you don’t have to be content with? What about a physical flaw that can be fixed?  What about plastic surgery?

Many women (and men) take pride in their appearance. Some won’t leave the house with wet hair. Some get routine manicures. But a lot of the time strict beauty standards are not so much about vanity as they are about self-respect – about putting your best face forward regardless of how overworked, tired, or stressed you might be. It’s about taking care of yourself.

There’s no shame in doing what makes you feel good and what makes you happy. And beauty treatments – whether a simple manicure or surgical procedure – can often be a big confidence booster.

In fact, studies have actually proven that plastic surgery can increase your self-esteem – especially breast augmentation, which is the top plastic surgery procedure in the United States.

According to the website of Dr. Michael Beckenstein, a breast augmentation surgeon in Birmingham, this could be because breast implants are now designed to look and feel more natural and less augmented or “fake.”

In addition to helping you feel more attractive on the outside, plastic surgery can:

  • Motivate you to be healthier. Plastic surgery can give some people the motivation they need to adopt healthier lifestyle habits. This is often because the results from some plastic surgery procedures – like liposuction or a tummy tuck – won’t last if you don’t eat right and exercise.
  • Correct a physical defect or traumatic injury. Plastic surgery isn’t about trying to look like a movie star. For some people, it is necessary. People with congenital birth defects or who have had a traumatic injury or serious health issue might need plastic surgery to improve both how they look and how their body functions.
  • Help you put your best foot forward. When you feel better about yourself, and more confident in general, you stand a little taller; you smile a little wider; your insides and outsides start to align and you become more self-assured. That gives you the confidence to put your best foot-forward in any situation.
  • Boost your sex life. There’s no question that feeling beautiful, and therefore less self-conscious, can lead to better sex. And research has found that not only do those who have had a cosmetic procedure enjoy a better sex life after surgery, their partners do, too.
  • Improve your overall body image. One study published in Clinical Psychological Science found that people who have plastic surgery experience more joy, a greater sense of satisfaction in life, and higher self-esteem. It also found that plastic surgery improves your overall body image, not just the area where you had your surgery.

Of course, plastic surgery isn’t the answer to loving who you are. That part has to come from within. But changing something on the outside that’s going to help you feel better on the inside is nothing to be ashamed of.


  1. Plastic surgery can do wonders to the appearance but when it goes wrong, it seems like the worst decision.

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