healthy habits to live a long life

Who wouldn’t want to live a long life? Did you know that making just a single lifestyle change can prolong your life? Choosing what you put into your body and how you use your body are the two most effective and easiest ways to achieve these changes. They’re not the only habits that encourage a long life. Luckily, there are many unhealthy behaviours that can be corrected quickly. The goal is to stick with it and make that lifestyle change permanent. Here are 10 healthy habits to follow for a long life.

1. Eat Healthy

This may seem an obvious first choice for leading a healthy lifestyle, but everyone’s body has different needs when it comes to diet. Too much of anything is never a good idea, and studies have found that over consumption can impact lifespan.

Get in tune with your bodies needs and find the diet that’s right for you. Eating healthy means that your body is well nourished and feels good. Avoid eating foods that leave you feeling bloated or lethargic. Listen to your body and intake nutrient-rich foods that provide you with the energy and satisfaction to carry you through the day.

2. Be Social

Staying connected to others is another healthy habit that can increase your lifespan. Loneliness can have a serious impact on your physical state. Maintaining an active social life is an important part of the routine in many senior care centers because of the benefits it provides.

People who spend less time socializing and connecting with family and friends are more prone to experiencing depression. In many cases, people who have faced adverse life situations are more likely to persevere due to the network of support they have.

3. Consume Water

Keeping hydrated throughout the day is another healthy habit that can lead to a long life. Water is life giving. It nourishes and replenishes our body. Our body is composed of roughly 60% water–replenishing our water supply maintains the balance of water excreted in digestion, circulation, and transportation of nutrients.

Drinking water helps curb our appetite and energize our muscles. Staying hydrated can even help us look younger by hydrating the skin and preventing the formation of wrinkles.

healthy lifestyle habits

4. Turn Off the TV

The real problem with watching television isn’t the actual viewing of shows or movies–it’s the sitting. When people watch television, they are typically sitting on a couch or chair while not being active. If you’re one of the lucky ones that hop on a treadmill while watching tv–applause all around. If you’re not, now might be the time.

Exercising while watching television is an easy way to not have to sacrifice your tv time while still making a positive lifestyle change. Working out while watching television might not be feasible for some. That’s ok! It just means you’ll have to cut back on the tube. An hour a day away from the television can increase your lifespan by 11%. Every amount of television that’s removed from your life can lead to positive impacts.

5. Stay Sharp

An active mind is a powerful habit that can provide you with a long and fruitful life. Acquiring knowledge and challenging yourself to learn and try new things keeps the mind sharp. As you age, it is not uncommon to notice changes in the way you think and store information. Memory lapse can occur at any age, but as we get older, we are more susceptible to loss of intellectual function, brain injury, neurological illness, dementia, and Alzheimer’s.

While genetics may not allow us to have a say in the outcome, we do know that maintaining a healthy brain can lead to a longer life. There are a number of ways to stay sharp no matter your age, so find something that interests you and start learning.

6. Sun Smart

We all know that too much sun will leave our skin burned and dry. Be smart about going out in the sun by limiting your exposure. Be sure to wear a hat and sunscreen to protect exposed areas. Too much sun exposure can lead to skin cancer, wrinkles, fine lines, freckles, discoloration, and even saggy skin. Adding a daily skin-care regimen will not only help you maintain beautiful skin, you’ll prevent the dreaded appearance of looking old from appearing far too soon.

7. Stay Satisfied

Having a healthy sex life is an important part to your overall health and happiness. Maintaining and engaging in sex two to three times per week can actually add up to three years to your life.

Sex burns calories too, so you and your partner will be working on your cardio while enjoying other benefits like reduced blood pressure, better sleep, enhanced immunity, and a stronger heart. Couples who maintain an active sex life are more likely to prolong intimacy and build stronger relationships.

8. Keep Fit

One of the quickest ways to prolong your life is to start with daily exercise. In 2008, researchers discovered that people who completed routine high-intensity workouts like running added up to an additional four years to their lives. This wasn’t a complete surprise to the researchers who predicted positive impacts on the heart, brain, and body’s metabolism.

Not all of us can complete daily, high-intensity exercise. Even individuals who commit to a 30-minute walk at a brisk pace can help reduce the risk of heart issues. Moderate exercise is a terrific way to begin a new regimen to get you healthy. Staying consistent and sticking to the routine is important for continued success.

9. Get to Sleep

Doctors recommend 7 to 9 hours of sleep in order to reap its full benefits. Ever increasing schedules and responsibilities eat into our available sleep time making it difficult to put in the required hours. This is a horrible lifestyle habit that will leave you groggy, stressed, and open to heart issues.

A great night of sleep between 7 and 9 hours recharges the body, repairing any damage it can, suffered throughout the day. Reductions in inflammation and risk for depression are benefits of a healthy sleep cycle. Allowing your body the opportunity to heal from the wear and tear of a hectic day is essential to a longer life.

10. Clear Your Head

The benefits of mindfulness are starting to make more of a buzz. The reality is that our brain is designed to be a multitasker, even when we are not considering how hard it works. Mindfulness is all about becoming more aware of our body and paying attention to its current state. Mindfulness is taking the time to heal our brain, finding inner peace, and loving-kindness towards ourselves and others.

A few changes to your lifestyle will have you feeling like a brand-new person. Turning negative, unhealthy behaviours into healthy habits can prolong your life. Like most things in life, it’s a challenge, but the results will emerge quickly. The investment made in lifestyle changes will pay dividends as it becomes routine. You’ll feel better knowing that you’ve taken the steps to find healthy habits to follow for a long life.

Author Bio: Susan Hamilton is a healthy lifestyle advocate and an editor for HomeRemedyBook, where she promotes home remedies and natural living. In her spare time, she likes to take care of her own fruits and vegetables and she creates her own ray of sunshine. You can also follow her on Twitter or send her a direct message. 


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