Expert Workout Routines to Correctly Build Your Biceps

If you want an overall strong and functional upper body, having a strong biceps play a vital role. When you build your bicep strength, you can easily perform day-to-day tasks, and you’ll have the ability to carry and lift things without stress. As a result, if you want to work out and build parts of your body, you need to consider your biceps.

Although it does not do much whenever you want to place bets on predictions today, other physical activities require you to have upper body strength. In that case, you need tips to help you achieve optimal biceps training to get the most from your workouts. Many people end up using too much weight instead of concentrated movement.

You’ll see them rather grab a dumbbell or barbell that is far too heavy, and as a result, they end up swinging the body to lift. Doing that does not effectively concentrate the effort in a specific group. It only distributes the effort across different muscle groups like the back, shoulders, and hips. As a result, the bicep doesn’t get the best workout.

To counter this, you need to learn how to correctly build your biceps from the basics using the right weight and workout routine. In that case, here are routines to help you correctly build your biceps.

The Basics

The muscles in your biceps run from the front of your shoulders down to the elbow, and they have two different parts, including the short head and long head. Both heads are triggered during bicep exercises, although they respond to various movements differently. The biceps handle elbow flexion, forearm supination, and shoulder flexion to a lesser extent.

Aside from the aesthetics of having bigger muscles, it is essential to work out your biceps because they will help with pushing, pulling, and lifting activities. Without a strong bicep core, other shoulder and arm muscle groups can fully develop or offer protection to vulnerable tendons, ligaments, and joints.

Correct Ways Work Your Biceps

Your biceps workout should be among a well-rounded core routine. Although working on your biceps alone can be physically appealing, you will create an imbalance when you don’t work them along with other groups. Therefore, it will affect your shoulders and elbows’ alignment, making them more prone to injuries.

In addition, since the muscles in the bicep are comparatively smaller than those in your chest and back, ensure that you use lighter weights to flex and release in isolation. This means that no other muscle group is involved in the process. In that case, when you want to put together a workout routine, you should follow these primary rules:

  • Work on your biceps for three non-consecutive days each week, meaning that you should at least have a rest day between bicep workouts.
  • If you’re lifting heavier weights to only complete six to eight reps, you should rest at least two days in-between workouts.
  • However, if your goal is lean muscle and endurance, you should stick with single or three sets of 12 to 16 repetitions with one rest day between them.

With these rules, you can improve your biceps workout without straining your muscles to the line of collapse.

Routine We Recommend

Most bicep exercises you will find are pulling workouts since they involve drawing your hand towards your shoulder. Although there are many exercise options, the curl is primary to growth. So, when you want to design a routine, you can choose between three to four various biceps exercises, and with three sets of 12 reps, you can achieve quite a lot.

Aside from that, you can decide to perform them as a collective or as part of a circuit, meaning that you take one bicep exercise after the next without resting. You might have to go with lighter weights on this, but you will certainly feel the burn after a while.

In that case, below are two sample biceps workouts that you can follow when you want to build a workout routine.

Sample 1

  • Biceps curls using dumbbells
  • Preacher curls on the ball
  • Hammer curls
  • Reverse curls

Sample 2

  • Barbell Curls
  • Concentration Curls
  • Incline curls on the ball
  • Resistant band curls

Final Note

You can elaborate on how you perform these routines, and in addition to that, you can alternate them every week. Once you do that, you’ll get the chance to build a fuller bicep quicker compared to when you do just one or two exercises. Be patient and consistent, and within eight to 12 weeks, you’ll see results.