Home remedies for dead skin on feet

Rough and dry feet looks and feels ugly, right? But not anymore with these natural home remedies. If your feet has got some thick dead skin, then, this article is for you. I will be showing you how to use home remedies to get rid of the thick dead skin on feet. These home remedies are completely safe and natural. Before we start discussing the remedies, let us figure out where this dead skin comes from.

Where Does This Dead Skin On My Feet Come From?

First, it is normal to have dead skin on your feet, but it will be abnormal when you let it stay. Having dead skin on your feet can be as a result of various reasons, but lack of moisture on your feet remains the number one reason. Other reasons include; feet staying in water for a long, low humidity, bathing in hot water, harsh soap, improper footwear and medical conditions. Now let us see how we can bid good bye to the thick dead skin on feet using natural remedies.

1. Scrub Your Feet Clean

Once you have noticed a thick dead skin on your feet, the first action to take is scrub your feet clean. So, when you are taking a bath, use a scrub to effectively remove the dead skin from your feet. Take your time and do it perfectly. Note that before scrubbing off this dead skin, it is advisable you soak your feet in water for a few minutes. If you are taking a shower, this will not be a bother since the dead skin will have absorbed enough water before you get to your feet. After scrubbing away the dead skin, rinse your feet on running water and dry them completely.

Also Read: 15 Fabulous Home Remedies For Peeling Skin

2. Warm Water Remedy 

You might be wondering how plain warm water can be an effective remedy for thick dead skin. Warm water softens and loosens the hard skin accumulating on your feet. This remedy comes with added relaxation that is much needed by your feet. In addition, it helps relieve the strain from feet muscles.

How to go about it

  • Partly fill a basin with warm water
  • Soak your feet in the water for about 20 minutes
  • Gently scrub your feet (optional)
  • Dry your feet properly
  • Moisturize your feet.

When moisturizing your feet, nothing fancy is required; a simple cream or lotion is enough. Personally, I advise glycerin.

3. Paraffin Wax 

Here comes another great home remedy that you can use to remove thick dead skin from feet. Paraffin wax has proved to have a great effect on dry and cracked skin. It retains the natural oils of the skin making it softer and smoother.

How to go about it 

  • Heat paraffin wax using your pan or microwave
  • Add some coconut oil on it
  • Now apply the mixture on your feet (it can be a bit hot, but you will get used to)
  • Leave it on your feet overnight (wear a pair of socks to avoid it rubbing off)
  • Use warm water to wash your feet in the morning


If you want to remove the thick dead skin from your feet, vinegar will not disappoint you. Once it gets contacts with your skin, it softens and loosens the accumulated dead skin leaving your skin softer and healthier.

How to go about it 

  • Wash your feet with liquid soap and water
  • Mix 1 cup of vinegar with 7 gallons of water
  • Soak your feet in the solution for 20 minutes
  • Using your foot file or pumice stone, scrub your feet gently for few minutes
  • Rinse your feet and pat dry
  • Moisturize your feet

Must Read: 10 Home Remedies To Deal With Sweaty Feet Without Drugs

5. Glycerin 

I believe all of us have used glycerin before in one way or another. Today, I am going to show you how to use glycerin to get rid of the thick dead skin on your feet.

How to go about it 

  • Mix a generous amount of glycerin with lemon juice
  • Rub directly on your feet
  • Leave for about 20 minutes and rinse off with water
  • Wow, that was short and amazing. The glycerin remedy will show tangible results when practiced for a couple of weeks.

6. Mentholated Rub

The use of mentholated rub on dry and cracked feet has given us the confidence of using this product to treating thick dead skin of feet. It holds a lot of natural essential oils which are good and healthy for the skin.

How to go about it 

  • Wash your feet with soap and water
  • Dry your feet completely
  • Apply mentholated rub on your feet
  • Leave overnight (wear a pair of socks)
  • Wash and rinse your feet with warm water (in the morning).
  • Practice this until you achieve the desired results

7. Lemon

Lemon is not just for treating your face or losing weight; it can also be used to get rid of thick dead skin cells. It also makes your feet look more smooth and shinier.

How to go about it 

  • Pour warm water into a medium sized basin
  • Add lemon juice to the water and stir
  • Now soak your feet in the water for about 15-20 minutes
  • Scrub your feet clean
  • Rinse your feet with water and pat dry
  • Moisturize your skin

8. Epsom Salt 

Epsom salt is not only good for dead skin removal but also improve blood circulation in the feet. Since it contains magnesium, it also aids to remove any toxins on the feet.

How to go about it 

  • Wash and pat dry your feet
  • Pour warm water into a basin
  • Dissolve some Epsom salt in the water
  • Soak your feet for about 10-15 minutes
  • Dry and moisturize your feet

9. Oatmeal

Last on our list is the oatmeal; it ensures that all the worries you have on the thick dead skin are eliminated. An oatmeal bath leaves your skin tender and moisturized.

How to go about it 

  • Mix enough amount of oatmeal with rosewater
  • Apply the mixture on your feet
  • Leave for about 30min before scrubbing
  • Scrub your feet your feet carefully
  • Rinse and pat dry your feet

Final Verdict 

Having discussed the top 9 home remedies to get rid of thick dead skin on feet, you can now give your feet a perfect look. However, it is important to note that the completely natural and safe remedies that we have just discussed yield best results when performed before bed.

About the Author: She is Megan Ann and She is chatting about parenting, family friendly activities, yummy recipes, family travel, and living a life full of love and laughter. She tries to write useful and informative articles to help you as much as she can with her knowledge about health and beauty. Check out http://meganannblog.com to learn more about her work.


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