How to Store Macarons

Have you ever tried French macarons? If you have, then you will agree that these treats are something you just can’t get enough. Would you like to know how to store macarons to expand their shelf life?

In this article, I will be giving you a couple of practical tips on how to store and prolong the shelf life of this sugary treat. Macarons are interesting things because it is both tasty and visually pleasing.

For those who don’t know, macaron shells are usually made with almond flour, egg whites, cream of tartar, and confectioner’s sugar. You can check out this French macaron recipe if you want to make your own at home.

When it comes to creating fillings, there are a variety of recipes to choose. You can be creative by adding flavors that fit your taste. Common ingredients used are cream cheese, chocolate fondue, and various fruit jams to name a few.

It is important to know how to store macarons especially when you’re planning to make them for a special occasion or give them as gifts. Knowledge on proper storage is crucial to ensure maximum shelf life and taste.

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The Shelf-Life of Macarons

According to the Love and Macaroons blog, the usual shelf life of macarons last about 3-4 days. If you do not store them properly, it will go dry and crumbly, and you won’t be able to enjoy it anymore. If you want to expand its shelf life, you can put in the fridge or the freezer.

When it comes to freshly baked and filled macarons, it is important to know when to put them in the fridge or the freezer. According to Pierre Herme, famed pastry chef, it is better to make the macarons one day before serving.

You can place them in the fridge, and this will allow the flavors to marry better. Also, you’ll get delightful macarons with crisp edges and a chewy center. If you still want to prolong the shelf life more, freeze them, and consume at a later date.

The fridge will only work well for a couple of days. If you want to maintain the taste and texture, it is best to place them in the freezer. This will allow your macarons to last for up to 3 months. Another thing to remember is that the shelf life of your filling can also affect how long your macarons will last.

Of course, fillings made with dairy and those that have no preservatives will only last you a couple of days. If you want to enjoy the maximum freshness, it is best to consume your macarons in a day or two.

Products You Can Use to Store Macarons

How to Store Macarons

If you’ve made your macarons a day before you’d like to serve them, store them in a durable container. According to users on Chowhound, it is best to fill the macaron shells before storing them. Place them in airtight containers when freezing, as this will let your macarons last for three more months.

Another choice is this environment-friendly food container box that’s freezer friendly, microwave-safe, and reusable. When placing your macarons, line them up, and layer them, placing parchment paper in between.

You can also use these cake boxes to carry small pastries. What’s great about this product is that it is transparent. You’ll be able to see the condition of your macarons without taking them out.

This type of cake box can also be used as gift boxes. It allows easy storage which you can directly give away to your friends and family. Another gift box is this 2x2x2 clear plastic box that’s great if you’re using macarons as party favors.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Store Macarons from the Oven

1. Let Your Macaron Shells Cool Down and Rest

How to Store Macarons

Allowing your macaron shells to cool before storing or assembling them is an important step. Let them rest and dry well to make sure they don’t crack. Remember, your shells are the outer part of your macarons. Therefore, it is important that every piece looks smooth and beautiful.

2. Fill Them or Store the Unfilled Shells

Unfilled Shells
How to Store MacaronsFilled Shells
How to Store MacaronsDepending on when you’re planning to serve them, you can fill your shells or just freeze the shells alone. If you’ll be serving them the next day, it’s best to fill them for better flavour.

3. Place them in a sealed or airtight container

How to Store Macarons

Storing them properly ensures that they stay fresh and that they don’t dry up or get too soggy.

Other Common Storage Questions on How to Store Macarons

Because of their colourful appearance, macarons are often the dessert choice of most people. Whether you’re doing a wedding, a garden tea party, or even a kid’s party, macarons are always a fail-safe choice.

One common question asked is if it stays okay outdoors. If you’re planning a garden party or wedding, it’s best to place your macarons indoors where it’s cooler. This step is advisable to prevent your fillings from melting, especially if they’re made of chocolate buttercream.

You might be wondering if it’s practical to make the macaron shells beforehand and freeze them. Some people think it’s better to fill the shells before storing them, but some think the above-mentioned tip works well too.

According to the BakingMad blog, you can freeze the shells separately for three months without any hitch. When taking them out, just defrost them for 20 minutes, and you can start filling them. When freezing freshly-baked shells, allow them to cool down first, then store them in a sealed container before freezing.

The success of freezing filled macarons would depend on the filling or ganache. Some fillings don’t work well when frozen. If you love macarons, you can make batches of shells, store them and take them out if you need to make a quick dessert.

This step will lessen your prep time because you will only have to make your ganache or filling. Just always remember that filled macarons taste more amazing if they have been refrigerated a day before eating with one coffee cup.

Say you’ve forgotten to transfer your macarons to the freezer. What should you do? The maximum number of days you can store you macarons in the fridge is about 10 days. But don’t risk keeping them there for that long to make sure they stay fresh and chewy.

The Final Piece

Because macarons are great treats to eat or share with others, we shouldn’t let them go to waste. Again, remember these tips on how to store macarons:

  • Macarons are only best for a couple of hours, but you can prolong their shelf life by placing them in the fridge or freezer.
  • For maximum flavour, store them in the fridge a day before eating. To preserve them longer, place them in sealed containers, line with parchment paper, and freeze.
  • Freezing will make your macarons last up to 3 months.
  • You can make and freeze macaron shells for faster dessert preparation.

Creating pastry requires skill and effort. Oftentimes, these treats are products of creativity and hard work. We should not allow them to spoil. We should share them and try our best to keep them fresh so that everyone can enjoy them.

Do you have any other tips when it comes to storing macarons? Share them below.