How You Can Support Others to Maintain a Healthy Weight

While it’s always essential to control your own health journey and look after your own weight, it may also be that there is someone in your life, whether a friend or family member, who you would like to support in their own weight control journey too. Or, maybe you’ve been through your own significant health and weight loss journey and are looking to show compassion for those going through the same journey, and share the lessons you have learned.

Here are just some of the ways you can help others to care for their weight and health:

Exercise With Them

When you’re trying to lose weight or develop a new exercise routine, it can be very difficult to find the motivation when you’re doing it alone. By offering to exercise with those you know are trying to lose weight and get fit, you can be a key level of support for their journey. It will also be more likely that they will stick to their exercise routine if they have somebody to do it with. This could be arranging to meet a friend for a morning jog or encouraging a household member to work out with you.

It’s important for you to maintain an active lifestyle too, so why not do it with someone else?

Make a Healthy Meal Plan

If you’re part of a household, then you may want to develop a healthy meal plan for everyone so that you can all eat healthily together. It doesn’t matter whether you live with your own children, other family, friends or roommates, healthy eating is something every household can embrace together.

For a healthy meal plan which benefits everyone in their health journey, it’s important to understand the fitness goals so that recipes and certain foods can be introduced at the right time — and also so you know which junk items to avoid during the next grocery shop.

Choose a Career With This Focus

How To Support Others to Maintain a Healthy Weight

Maybe your plans are a little bigger, and you want to make health a huge focus of your life. If you’re looking for a career in which you can share health advice and care for others during their health journey, you can always seek a career in this field. There are many opportunities available, such as an online MSN FNP program, in which you can seek to help families and communities and work with them in order to better their healthy lifestyle.

Help Them Out in Other Ways

If someone you care about has spoken about reaching an unhealthy weight but they simply can’t find the time to exercise because of a hectic lifestyle, see what you can do to help. If their chores or responsibilities are taking up too much time, offer to help them so that they can free up some time to hit the gym or do whichever exercise they wish to pursue in peace. You could offer to babysit, or offer to pick up their groceries while you’re already at the store, for example.

Be More Conscious About Your Social Activities

Maybe you’ve been set in a routine where you’ve always hit a bar or restaurant, and eat or drink too much. If this is your social norm for you and your loved one, it will need to change in order to help them lose weight or stay active — and that’s in your control too. Instead of eating out where they might be tempted by heavy meals, think of other activities and hobbies you could try instead.

The best option will be those which also promote activity. You could play a sport at the gym together, or you could encourage taking a walk with your coffees instead of sitting in the café with them.

Be Mindful of Your Gifts

Bingeing on items such as boxes of chocolate or going out for an extensive meal to celebrate occasions is easily done — especially if that’s what you’ve always done for a particular person. However, if they’ve made the decision to be more healthy, then you need to support them in that by avoiding your usual buying habits.

For gifts, think about other items which are unrelated to diet or eating habits. Celebrate in a different way rather than going to a restaurant or bar for their birthday, and think of another fun activity you can do instead.

By supporting loved ones — or even patients if you make it a career option — in their weight loss journey and healthy lifestyle, you can really make a difference to another person’s life.