When you train at home, there is a good chance that you are doing so in a confined space. Most people do not have enough room for a dedicated gym. They need the garage for their car and the basement for an adult son or daughter who cannot afford to leave home. So, today, we are going to look at pieces of equipment you can use that can help you to make the most of the space that you have.
Utility Squat Stands
You will need a set of decent squat stands like the ones you can buy from this website. They have a small footprint and are fitted with wheels. So, you can potentially wheel them out of the way and stow them with the weights still on the stand or rack. Although for safety reasons it is best to take the weights off the bar and push the stands together so that they nest. That way the kids won’t bump into it when playing and end up with a bar and heavy weights falling onto them. Naturally, if that happened they could be seriously hurt. Storing them like this also has the added benefit of not taking up as much living space.
A Doorway Pull Bar
Pull-ups are a highly effective way to work out your arms, shoulders and lats while building your core and strengthening your grip. So, it is a form of exercise you are going to want to be able to do at home. If space is tight, consider buying the type that is designed to be fitted across a doorway. One that can easily be taken down is the most practical for home workout fans. This discussion will help you to decide which one is right for you.
Adjustable Dumbbells and Kettlebells
As you exercise you will want to gradually increase the amount of weight you use. If you can afford to do so, invest in an adjustable dumbbell. That single unit will take up far less space than a set of 3 dumbbells would. Plus, you can usually adjust the amount of weight you use for your workout in smaller increments. It is also now possible to buy adjustable kettlebells. They are currently quite expensive, but they are coming down in price.
Shop Around and Only Buy High-Quality Equipment
You can buy most of the equipment mentioned above, online. Regardless of where you decide to buy what you need, be sure to do your research. You need to be sure that what you are buying is well-made and is strong enough to do its job properly. Also, make sure that you know the weight limits that apply to each piece of equipment. The last thing you need is for a stand or pull-up stand to collapse because you have put too much strain on it.