Laser Hair Removal for Every Part of Your Body

Laser hair removal is one of the easiest and most effective methods for removing unwanted hair. It involves emitting a concentrated beam of light that gets absorbed by the pigment in the hair. The heat that’s emitted damages the hair follicle, which in turn inhibits future hair growth.

Fortunately, laser hair removal is safe and effective for any part of the body where there’s hair growth, including sensitive areas. The one exception is the eyebrow area, as injury to the eye is too high of a risk.

‌The most common body parts treated with laser hair removal include:‌

  • Face
  • Underarms
  • Back
  • Abdomen
  • Legs
  • Bikini area

In this article, learn how to best prepare for treatment, what to expect with each area you do laser hair removal on, and more. 

How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal

Regardless of what part of your body you plan to do laser hair removal treatments on, there are several things you can do beforehand to make the entire process go as smoothly as possible:

  • Avoid tanning before and after treatment
  • Avoid using skin products — such as lotions or deodorant — on the day of treatment
  • Consider applying a numbing cream or gel 20 minutes before the session
  • Consider taking a pain reliever an hour before the session
  • Shave one to two days before the session

But with each individual body part, there may be other considerations.

Bikini Laser Hair Removal

Face Laser Hair Removal

Your face is always on display. If grooming unwanted facial hair becomes too tedious, don’t be afraid to schedule your laser session to handle it once and for all. Facial laser hair removal can be done on the upper lip, cheeks, and sideburns, with the chin being the most popular. 

As you well know, different parts of your body are more sensitive than others. The face is definitely one of the more sensitive areas and must be handled carefully. You should only ever do laser hair removal with a licensed esthetician, but this is especially important with facial laser hair removal. Because the skin is thinnest above your mouth, upper lip laser hair removal can tend to be the most uncomfortable. Areas where the skin is thicker — such as the chin and sideburns — are typically far more manageable. But in the hands of a professional laser esthetician, you have nothing to worry about. ‌

Underarm Laser Hair Removal

Underarm shaving has to be one of the most annoying areas to groom. Repeated shaving over time makes this area prone to cysts, ingrown hairs, and razor burn, which is why laser hair removal is such an appealing option to avoid these problems all together. After treatment, the pores in underarm skin close to reveal smoother, healthy-looking skin that won’t require any more grooming.

There are two important things to keep in mind about underarm laser hair removal:‌

  • Underarms are the most effective area for laser hair removal
  • Underarms are also the most painful area for laser hair removal

Considering the amount of discomfort caused from any kind of underarm grooming, and once again when handled by a professional laser esthetician, this treatment is more than worth the discomfort.

Back Laser Hair Removal

Although laser hair removal for women is advertised often, there are several areas that many men love to have treated, such as the back. For men who want a hairless or thinned-out back area, getting laser hair removal is the perfect solution. No more painful waxing sessions or constant shaving required.

Men’s hair fibers do tend to be tougher and denser, so make sure you choose a laser hair removal esthetician to understands the difference and how to properly provide quality treatment for men’s laser hair removal

Abdomen Laser Hair Removal

Having excessive hair around the navel — commonly referred to as a “happy trail” — is an issue many people deal with, both men and women alike. Laser hair removal is also a great option for “happy trail” removal. 

This is an easy, comfortable area to treat for most people, and generally requires anywhere from 6 to 15 treatments. Depending on the location you receive your treatments, abdominal laser hair removal can cover a wide range of skin, from the navel down to the pubic area. But as with any laser treatment, your esthetician will work with you to determine your specific needs.

Leg Laser Hair Removal

Getting laser leg hair removal is an enticing prospect for many women, and is the most popular area for laser hair removal. For one thing, laser can save women up to one hour per week they’d normally spend shaving their legs. That adds up to a whopping 52 hours per year. 

Because the legs are one of the largest treatment areas, the time and cost may be higher than for other body parts. That said, it saves so much time and money in the long run, that it’s well worth it, especially once you see your new, smooth, maintenance-free skin. 

Bikini Laser Hair Removal

How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal

Getting the bikini area treated with laser hair removal is a popular choice among many women. However many are choosing to go for the full Brazillian to get that perfect, smooth, even skin all across their bodies.  

Because it’s such a sensitive area, be aware that that does come with increased discomfort. It also takes longer than other hair removal methods, such as waxing or sugaring, but the long-term results are worth it.  

Other Body Parts

There are certainly specific areas on the body that most of us are specifically keen on having laser done for. But laser is an effective, safe, and simply solution to hair removal for just about the entire body, including:

  • Buttocks
  • Chest and breasts
  • Feet
  • Knuckles

Regardless of where you find unwanted hair, laser hair removal can be your next step in your skincare routine.