Neck Rejuvenation Today: What You Need To Know


Liposuction is an increasingly common cosmetic procedure to remove fat from the body and to reverse the ageing process. While various techniques exist, the best results will be dependent on the skills and experience of your medical professional and how you maintain your health after undergoing a procedure. Much of the body can undergo liposuction and it ranges from a large volume extraction to the removal of a considerably small amount of fat cells to very specifically contour a small surface area of the body.

When people think of liposuction, generally the mind turns to fat removal from the stomach, hips and thigh area and a lot of information is available about people’s experiences and outcomes following this type of liposuction. However, despite the appearance of being less publicised, rejuvenation of the neck is one of the most common procedures for those who are facial contouring. Today’s focus on neck liposuction will examine what you can expect if you’re looking to undergo a cosmetic procedure in this area. Whether you’re a man or woman thinking about this treatment, read below for what to expect post procedure when improving the aesthetics of your neck.

Neck Rejuvenation

How does it work?

In many instances, you will have a local anaesthetic administered. So immediately after the procedure you can expect a little tingling as it leaves your system and perhaps feel a little tired.

For the best outcome, you will often be advised to have a compression dressing applied for several days after the liposuction and wear a chin strap. Initially this will be all day, but can then be worn only at night as your body begins to adjust. If you are instructed to do this – it is important to follow this direction properly! You don’t want fluid or blood accumulating under the skin while the area is working to re-establish its connection to the muscle. It will also reduce swelling, which is important if you are looking to have skin in this area tightened. You may also be advised to sleep on your back for a short period following neck liposuction. If you struggle to maintain this position, some people pop tennis balls on their stomach or side to prevent them rolling over to their preferred position in their sleep.

After the procedure you can expect some swelling and bruising. You may also have temporary lumps under the skin. These will typically resolve themselves. Some patients experience tightness or numbness in the treated area, this can take longer to resolve as the body heals.

It’s also good to know that that after about 4 weeks, perhaps sooner/ later depending on your body, the area will be looking pretty ‘normal’. For the first week or two, you’ll benefit from increasing your rest also. However, the true results of what you have had done may not be fully expressed until about 6 months post procedure. Don’t forget that when you’re remodelling tissues underneath the skin, healing will continue to occur after the initially swelling subsides.