A whey protein supplement can add measurable improvements to the results you get from your workouts or muscle building routines. It can also become a large expense over time. Body Fortress Whey Protein is an affordable protein supplement that should still feed your muscles while being much easier on your wallet. Protein formulas aren’t for everyone, if you are looking for high protein snacks to help you grow muscle beef jerky & biltong are the perfect alternative. Let’s take a closer look.
Introduction and Ingredients
Body Fortress Whey Protein Powder offers 24g of protein per 37g scoop. It also contains the essential macrominerals calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and potassium. These minerals are needed for healthy teeth and bones, muscle contraction, fluid balance and nerve transmission.
Cholesterol content is a little high at 65mg per scoop, with sugars making up 2g. The cholesterol content is not a problem unless you already suffer from high cholesterol, in which case you may wish to consult with your doctor before using this product. We are not going to go into the debate about dietary cholesterol here, but suffice it to say that this may only be a problem if you already have severe cholesterol issues.
The powder contains 9 essential and 9 nonessential amino acids. Additional supplements present in this whey protein blend include creatine, taurine and glutamine.
According to Body Fortress representatives, the creatine content amounts to 3g per scoop or 6g per two scoop serving, which is enough to meet most needs. This is a nice touch, as it means you don’t need to stack creatine separately. Having those muscle builders in this powder is a great bonus.
So, it looks like Body Fortress Whey Protein contains everything needed to enhance lean muscle building and aid muscle recovery. This is one of the better formulations you’re likely to find in a budget whey supplement.
Must Read: Body Fortress Creatine Review
Mixing and Drinking
You can mix the powder with both water and milk. It obviously tastes better in milk. The powder dissolves well in either. You may need to shake it a little more than what is usual for whey powders as it contains crystalline taurine and creatine, which makes it a little grittier. You can also mix the powder with your cereal or with yoghurt if you don’t fancy drinking it.
The vanilla flavor is quite strong and pleasant. Overall this is a decent tasting shake, although it may be a little on the sweet side for some tastes. The powder is artificially sweetened with acesulfame potassium and sucralose. There is definitely no need to add additional sugar. If you’ve ever had artificially sweetened powder supplements you’ll be aware of the distinctive aftertaste you’ll have to deal with.
There’s really no reason why this product shouldn’t help your muscles recover and grow if you use it correctly in conjunction with a dedicated workout routine. Here are just a few quick comments from verified buyers to demonstrate the results they’ve been having with the product:
“Increased bench/chest press lifts by 50lbs in six months. Squat by 80lbs. Actually shortened my routine and was able to increase reps and of course weight moved. Visible results: Mass and definition. Quite noticeable.” C. Corraliza, Amazon.com
“My husband and I have both noticed faster muscle recovery since we’ve been using the product.” T. Lee, Amazon.com
User Reviews
In our research around the Internet, we have found that between 7 and 8 out of 10 people favorably review Body Fortress Whey Protein, or are satisfied with what they get for their money. Here are a few selected comments:
“It does what it does and I’m happy with its value and how easy it mixes (I use a blender bottle). It tastes great with Milk, not bad with water, and absolutely amazing with Vanilla Almond Milk 🙂 If you use whey and don’t want to spend a lot, try this. If you’re getting into working out and want to see if Whey helps you out, try this.” Nikodem Leszek Blach, Amazon.com
“As an amateur competitive bodybuilder I tend to use a lot of whey protein in my diet. And, as someone who has a limited budget, Bodyfortress Whey is a good option. There are higher quality, fancier proteins out there. But, for the money, you really can’t beat bodyfortress!” Jacob W. Mathis, Amazon.com
As mentioned before, the cholesterol content is a little higher than average. The powder also has high lactose content, so if you are at all lactose intolerant, avoid this and use whey protein isolates instead. The powder may be too sweet for some tastes, and we’re not a fan of the artificial sweeteners used. You’ll find them in all budget protein powders though.
Amazon.com offers a good bundle deal on two 1.95 pound containers, including free shipping for around $32 at the time of this writing. That’s a good bet for buying this online.
Also Read: Body Fortress Super Mass Gainer Review
It is hard to find too much fault with the Body Fortress Whey Protein Powder. The taste is decent, but not the best, and it has the typical “artificial sweetener” aftertaste. The added creatine, taurine and glutamine makes for good value though.
For the price, this is hard to beat and is the perfect product for anyone wanting to give whey supplements a test run without investing a lot of money. Just remember to put in the hard work in the gym: the protein by itself is not going to cut your muscles for you.
- Does what it should
- Price
- Added creatine & l-glutamine
- Lots of macrominerals
- Artificial sweeteners
- Very sweet
- Taste