Regardless of where you look the issue of anti-aging is everywhere these days. Television shows, websites, magazine columns, and celebrity social media pages are filled with the latest tips and tricks for looking and feeling younger, with a real emphasis on the attractiveness of agelessness; we’re a society seemingly burdened by our mortality. After all, if beauty is only skin deep why can’t we widen those boundaries?
The issue of anti-aging is one that keeps a lot of people awake at night, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to turn back the clock or retain the looks we already possess. Indeed, there are whole industries and empires created around the concept of staying young. However, there’s a fine line between a keen interest and obsession. Have you looked into all the options available to you, and chosen the tips, ticks, and lifestyle changes that are going to benefit you most? You see, the worries associated with the aging process are a personal matter – as are our attempts to reverse its effects.
So, how can you make the most of what you’ve got?
Lotions, potions, and magic tricks
There are numerous ways we can tackle the signs of aging; from getting extra sleep, drinking plenty of water, and eating well, to cutting out cigarettes, sugar, salt alcohol, and caffeine. It is a fact that your routine and diet can exacerbate aging’s effects. That is why experts recommend consuming fruit and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants. Protein and vitamins E and B are particularly adept at protecting our skin from environmental aggressors and free radicals, while omega-3 fatty acids can help your body to absorb nutrients that fight inflammation.
You should also aim to stay hydrated and to sleep for between seven and eight hours each night. Rest helps our skin to recover and reduces the levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, released into our bodies. Finally, consider the many lotions, serums, supplements, and treatments that are available. The market is flooded with night creams, face masks, vitamin supplements, and non-invasive surgical procedures, as well as more drastic measures, all claiming to have anti-aging benefits. You’ve no doubt found a particular brand that works well for you.
This is the science bit; concentrate…
Did you know that scientists hope, one day, to cure old age? While such a concept could easily have fallen from the pages of a science fiction novel the truth is a whole lot closer to reality than you might believe. There is, of course, a great deal of science behind the supplements, creams, and treatments that we consume and apply to our skin in an effort to look good. How many times have you watched an advert, only to be treated to the scientific jargon behind its success?
What we’re talking about here, though, is the research specific to the aging process. Take stem cell therapies, for example. Considered one of the most exciting current fields of study, stem cell research focuses on the benefits of tackling age-related illnesses using cells, tissues and organs that have been generated in a laboratory. Chromosomal research is also making headway, as scientists look to uncover the significance of a naturally produced enzyme named telomerase. We already know that telomerase works to halt the depletion of chromosomes, but could it stop our bodies changing as the years pass?
The work of Mikhail Blagosklonny has proven particularly interesting; after studying the regulation of cell growth and metabolism in response to environmental cues the scientist has proposed using rapamycin, a popular cancer treatment, to halt the aging process. Research published earlier this year, meanwhile, suggests that a naturally occurring metabolite, NAD+, could contribute towards repairing DNA damage. There are even those that view the aging process as a question of physics and engineering; if the human body is a machine, surely, we can replace parts as they age and die. It’s clear there are many avenues currently being explored.
The world of anti-aging is a complex one, with no definitive answers; sure, there are lotions, potions, diets and lifestyle hacks, but can anyone really turn back the clock with any certainty? Scientists, researchers, and great thinkers have been considering the questions of aging for centuries, with huge leaps and bounds made in recent times. Indeed, scientists appear to be getting ever closer to the question of ageless beauty, but the truth is it could be many more years yet before we’re truly able to stop the aging process in its tracks.
We’d like to reassure you, though; while that miracle cure may be some way off there are things you can do to preserve your health and beauty, including drinking plenty of water, undertaking regular exercise, and eating a balanced diet; you might even discover a cream, serum, or range of beauty products that works for you. In whatever way you decide to tackle the aging process, make sure you do with your own well-being in mind. This life is for you, and it’s worth living well.