Sadly, alcohol abuse is a growing epidemic and does not discriminate — it’s a problem that is not specific to class, gender, race, or income level. With our society’s increasing pressure to keep up with the Jones’s, people are self-medicating with alcohol to cope with the demands of everyday life.
Financial, parental, and marital stresses, as well as health concerns, can all contribute to a person’s desire to let loose and forget about their worries. Alcohol, unlike illegal drugs, is easy to obtain and is socially acceptable — and at times, even romanticized and encouraged. These days, even Moms of toddlers are pressured to drink wine daily to cope with their workload.
The truth of the matter is that while alcohol is fine to consume occasionally, it’s very easy to slip into dependency without even being aware that it’s become a problem. Not only is it detrimental to your health, but it’s an unattractive addiction.
You Lose Your Ability to Communicate Affectively
As a sober person, it’s very easy to spot an intoxicated person. Oftentimes, your speech is slurred and you have a hard time making sense. Although the person who is intoxicated may feel like they’re just being funny or may not care how they are perceived at the time, the people around them suffer from having to deal with the communication barrier. Being around someone who is abusing alcohol to the point that they’re slurring their speech and cannot form a complete thought find this behavior unattractive.
Must Read: What Really Happens to Your Body When You Have a Hangover
Alcohol Abuse is Linked to Increased Anger
Not every alcoholic is alike — some may be friendly when they’re intoxicated, but many times, alcohol abuse is linked to increased anger. This is because you cannot process information effectively when you’re intoxicated, and you may get angry over something that wasn’t intended to upset you. That, paired with your increased confidence as a side effect from the alcohol may lead to angry outbursts, or even violence. Most people want to surround themselves with friendly people, so this unattractive quality is a good very good reason to avoid abusing alcohol.
Your Skin and Hair Suffer
Although many unattractive qualities that stem from alcohol abuse are behavior-based, it’s important to notate that alcohol, when consumed in high quantities, can alter your appearance. Alcohol leads to dehydration, which can affect the quality of your skin and hair. Your once-smooth face will begin showing signs of aging prematurely if you over-indulge in alcohol, and your healthy, shiny hair may lose its shine and begin to get brittle and break.
Also See: 20 Ways Your Life Improves After You Quit Drinking
You are Seen as Someone Who Lacks Self-control
Most people who abuse alcohol have a problem with self-control. Your desire to feel a certain way or to consume drinks that you like over-powers your desire to remain in control, and you give in, no matter the consequences. It’s unattractive to most people to watch a friend or someone else consumer alcohol in excess, even after that person has had too much to drink. You’re faced with harsh judgements that are hard to overcome once they’ve been assigned.
Alcohol Leads to Weight Gain
It’s no secret that alcohol is full of calories. Wine, beer, hard liquors, and especially mixed drinks and cocktails are all high in calories and carbs. Because of this, abusive alcohol leads to weight gain. The cliché “beer gut” may be due to consuming excess beer, but any alcoholic beverage, when consumed frequently, can cause extra weight gain. This is another unattractive and unfortunate physical side effect of alcohol consumption.
While enjoying an alcoholic beverage every now and then in moderation is completely acceptable and may even be beneficial, it’s important to use self-reflection to recognize whether or not you have an alcohol problem and to understand how these unattractive qualities can affect your personal life in a negative way. If you have a problem with alcohol, you may need to consider professional alcohol addiction treatment.
Alcohol is definitely a killer!
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